Best Make CHARITY You Will Read This Year

Charity is among the most noble virtues that mankind has. Each religion requires its followers to participate in charitable activities to help humanity of others and for other living creatures. It is the act of using your time or talent, your assets or possessions, money or any other thing to aid those in need of these. Jesus Christ asked his followers to be good to those who are less fortunate in our society.

Holy Quran calls Muslims to be charitable in order in order to gain the affection of God and to follow the path of righteousness in the following verses, ngo for childrenThe fundamental premise behind charity of religion is the fact that man has to give back the blessings God has provided to him. This is an opportunity to show justice to humanity of the world as well as serving God since all humans are people of God.

It must be done without expectation, since God himself will reward those who perform charity. A perfect act of charity is like throwing cash into the river and doing it quietly and without any expectation , or even the possibility of a return.

Charity for Name

Although charity is a wonderful virtue in the religions, it is commonly practiced by secular and materialists who have no religious affiliation. People who give to charity are those who don't faith in the heavens or God. Bill Gates, who after having been the most successful man on earth for 14 years, made the decision to step down from his company Microsoft and work all day long to support the charitable activities of his foundation, namely. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates is not alone in his charitable work. Warren Buffet, the second highest-earning man on earth, is also planning to give greater than $37 billion in his $44 billion fortune, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The majority of the top charitable organizations in the world were created by the richest people in the world who have donated much of their wealth for charitable causes.

The majority of them do not appear to be religious , or even spiritual. They were nevertheless motivated by the desire of their hearts to help everyone else or to fulfill the whims of God. mid day meal scheme What is the motivation for an unbeliever to perform charity, even if they don't believe in God or the rewards that follow after this life?

Worldly Motivation of Charity

Money's value decreases with every individual and then becomes a liability rather than an asset , as the excess of money causes many troubles and problems in daily life. Rich people are subject to the risk of life because many would love to take his money. He is unable to earn the respect and affection of the ordinary man who feels jealous , and perhaps discontent with his wealth and lifestyle, which isn't feasible for them. People often label him as reckless, dishonest, and even thieves of society. So, the wealth of excess instead of offering any pleasure, is an issue for the wealthy person.

The money that is not spent is the excess weight on the body. Instead of making you look beautiful, can make you look ugly. donation for education Instead of helping you be healthy, can make you sick and instead of making you happy, causes you to be unhappy.

What number of people would be interested in losing weight If it was feasible to transfer the excess weight to someone without pain? Is there any sacrifice to give away your excess weight that you don't really want? This is the reason Koran stated that you should give what you truly love, and not give what you don't like.

But the majority of people remain attached to the excess weight or wealth because it can be extremely difficult to let go of things that have become part of your. The wise opt to sell their wealth in order to recover the things they have had lost when becoming wealthy. They give their money and their time to charitable activities in order to earn respect from society. In a sense, it might not be considered a charity but the maximization of satisfaction that comes from admiration and appreciation by spending money for charity.

Challenges of Charity

It's easy to give your money away in the name of charity, but it is it's a challenge to create a charitable acts that benefit the world. Donations, if handed over to the wrong people, could instead of doing benefit to society could cause a lot of damage to our world. mid day meal There are a lot of charities that have sprung up to take donations from people who have lost the joy of cash for charity.


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